Sunday, November 29, 2009


Today we went out for our 2nd annual photo shoot with the Tidwells. I'm pretty happy with the results.

And yesterday we had our annual Thanksgiving Day family photo! This one was a little more difficult because there are so many if us, and we could not go outside because of the tornado like winds. But on the plus side this year I have a remote for the camera, which means that Anth didn't have to run up and down the ladder 25 times trying to get the perfect picture!

All in all a productive photo weekend!

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from my iPhone

Saturday, November 28, 2009


So, I'm such a bad blogger! I'm hoping that having this little app on my iPhone will help me be a better blogger! No promises, but we'll see! Now if I can figure out how to get a picture in here too!

Ok, looks simple enough! This is from our baking day, I mixed up 20 batches of peanut butter balls!!!! Yummmmy!!!!

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