Thursday, July 9, 2009

I love double coupons!

This is the second round of double coupons I've done at K-Mart. Did pretty good today and I even got a birthday or christmas present for Meghan bought, it's not included in this picture since she does look at my blog on a regular basis! They have some toys on clearance right now and then there is an additional 50% off the clearance price, I got her a $45.00 "fur-real" doggie for $18.00.

I got all of this (61 items) for $53.05, I saved $122.00, about 70%. I'm definitely stocked for months now in the toiletries department. Many of the items here were very cheap, like .20 or free. I did splurge on a new orange ice tea pitcher, it was only $4.50 and with the $1.00 off coupon doubled to $2.00 it made it only $2.50, AND it came with tea bags in it!!! I was pretty happy with my savings. I'm only kicking myself because there is a save $5.00 coupon out there if you spend $50.00. I was planning on doing this in 2 trips and didn't think I would be spending $50.00 bucks at one time, so I didn't bring it. While shopping I decided that since I was there I would just do it all at once, and spent over $50.00, so could have been a little more savings. Next time I will print and bring, just in case! I did also get a $7.00 coupon back for purchasing a certain amount of some product, now quite sure what, but now I have to go back and use it, and I want to use it by Saturday while those double coupons are still going on!! So, I'm going back through my binder one more time to see what else I can get with the $7.00!!!

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